Grinding the Future
with Solid Technology


IRINO KIKO Precision
Internal Grinding Machines

We continue to create the finest internal grinders, backed by 60 years of experience and knowledge in manufacturing.

We support your business with high-performance, high-quality products that meet the needs of various industries.

Current Order Status

Products in Production

The earliest possible delivery is the end of April.
(Updated date: January 10, 2025)

Product Introduction

Introducing IRINO KIKO’s Products

IIG Series

A versatile hybrid machine combining the ease of use of a conventional machine and the convenience of an NC machine

This is the latest versatile hybrid machine developed based on our YIG model.
Visualizing the position information of the X and Z axes, making 0.3 microns easier to achieve.

YIG Series

The standard in precision internal grinding machines

Manufactured since 1962, this is our long-selling product with a total of 3,000 units produced.
With excellent mechanical properties, high rigidity, and a combination of precision components, it achieves a roundness accuracy of 0.3 microns.

Media Information

Media Features Introduced

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